
Update: COVID-19 safety on campus

At the start of term, the University implemented a deliberately cautious approach to COVID management on campus, including keeping a number of safety measures under regular review to enable us to act flexibly and responsively.

Following our latest review, the following measures will continue to remain in place on campus (please note, all measures will continue to be reviewed monthly):

Face coverings

The University’s approach to wearing face coverings on campus will remain in place. In practice this means that all students and staff will still be required to wear a face covering in all indoor areas on campus, including in teaching sessions, corridors and other communal areas, unless a medical exemption applies.

If you cannot wear a face covering, we encourage you to wear a sunflower lanyard or carry a card to indicate this. Lanyards are available from Student Services in the Alsop building or can be purchased from Hidden Disabilities.


Testing remains an important part of keeping each other safe. Please remember that if you working or studying on campus you are required to take regular lateral flow tests. Students and staff who are on campus each week need to access two ‘no symptoms’ lateral flow tests (approximately every three days).

This can be done using the University’s walk-in on-campus Lateral Flow testing service based at the Chapel, Foresight Centre, collecting home test kits from the Chapel, the Guild of Students, Sydney Jones Library, from your local pharmacy or order via the Government website, or using one of the SMART testing facilities in the city. Please note that you will now have to download a code before you collect test kits from your nearest pharmacy.

All of these testing options are free. Please keep all the text messages and emails you receive from the NHS as a record of testing. We also expect you to download the NHS App and the details of your tests will be recorded in your Covid Pass.

Further information about these as well as testing facilities if you have symptoms can be found here.

Social distancing

Social distancing is an important way in which we can reduce the risk of infection transmission within our community. Make sure you adhere to rules set out for physical teaching sessions and laboratories and try to maintain a suitable distance from others in indoor spaces.


Although not compulsory for attendance on campus, we encourage everyone in our community to accept a vaccination if offered one or book directly on the NHS website.

Details of the latest vaccination drop-in sessions in Liverpool can be found on the CCG website.

Please note, international students studying in the UK are eligible for the vaccine while in the country. Please remember that you need to be registered with a GP before you can book a vaccination, or any medical treatment, so we encourage you to register as soon as possible if you haven’t already, to avoid potential delays.

You can find out more about vaccinations available for students on our webpages.

Further details about your responsibilities while on campus can be found on our Campus Safety webpages.

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