
Introducing Enactus Liverpool: Help communities and engage in social action

The Enactus Liverpool team is making a difference in our city with a range of student-led community projects. Here you can find out more about their work and how you can get involved:

Enactus UK is a national initiative that supports students across the country to engage in social action and social enterprise.

Their mission is to develop a national network of socially minded young leaders who will transform communities and society through real life social action and environmentally responsible enterprise.

Making a difference

Recent projects from Enactus Liverpool include:

The Enactus Liverpool team ran in-person sessions on skills that employers look for in the workplace such as written and verbal communication, digital awareness and commercial awareness. They covered topics such as interview dos and don’ts, CVs writing and presentation skills. The initial pilot scheme was ran with 11 young people but the team hopes to roll it out to schools across Liverpool.

Other projects include Project Ruby which provides period boxes for those in poverty using sustainable period products and a Hydroponics (growing plants and herbs in water) project, aiming to teach communities to construct and use sustainable hydroponic planters.

Why join Enactus?

Joining the University of Liverpool Enactus team is a great way of gaining work experience, developing your employability and enterprise skills, and gaining access to fast track schemes with big graduate employers – as well as meeting new friends and making a difference in the local community.

Enactus Liverpool member Zoe Huang said: “Benefits of joining Enactus for me would definitely be building more connections with like-minded people, being able to learn from colleagues and growing together as a team. Whilst working on different projects that will impact the community positively, I have gained and developed many transferable skills in the process, applicable to many professions, which as a result, also increased my employability as an individual.”

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