
University Silver Athena Swan application submitted

The University’s Silver Athena Swan application was submitted at the end of March 2022. The Athena Swan charter mark provides a framework for universities and academic departments to make improvements to gender equality.

This submission comprises an application which reviews our current position and progress made, alongside a five year action plan which sets out future activity.  We will find out if the application has been successful in June 2022.

Our last Athena Swan award was achieved in 2016. Since then, we have:

New Action Plan

Although we can see that positive changes have taken place, there is still more progress to be made. Through staff consultation (staff surveys in 2019, 2020 and 2021) as well as dedicated Athena Swan consultation in 2021, a new five year action plan has been developed.  This consists of 27 actions with six priority areas:

How staff can get involved

Staff are encouraged to support Athena Swan activity through the following routes:

For more information on Athena Swan, please contact Sally Middleton, Gender Equality Officer at

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