
Complete the Race Equality Charter Survey 2022

As part of the University’s commitment to tackling racial inequalities and making our University a more equal, diverse and inclusive place to be, all students and staff are being asked to complete the Race Equality Charter survey.

The survey, which is open till Friday, 13 May, should take just 15 minutes to complete and the results will provide vital insights to help the Race Equality Charter Self-Assessment Team plan a range of initiatives to tackle the institutional and cultural barriers causing racial inequalities on campus.

Please note; it is really important that students of all ethnic backgrounds complete the survey, to build an accurate picture of where racial inequalities are occurring in the University.

Win prizes

As a thank you for participating, all students can opt-in to our daily prize giveaway at the end of the survey. Prizes available include:

To enter you will need to provide your student ID number and contact details, however, please be assured that this information will be kept separately from your survey responses. Full terms and conditions for the prize draw are available here.

An opportunity to make a difference

Professor Fiona Beveridge, who chairs the Race Equality Charter Self-Assessment Team, said, ‘Racial inequalities are a significant issue within higher education and at the University of Liverpool. This is an uncomfortable and shameful reality which we are confronting and absolutely committed to addressing.

‘Racial inequalities are not necessarily overt, isolated incidents – they manifest themselves in everyday situations, processes and behaviours. We see the results of these reflected in many ways – not least our persistent student awarding gaps, barriers to Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic students progressing to postgraduate study, and a lack of representation of Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic staff in senior positions.

‘It is clear that students want to see progress in this area and this an opportunity for each of us to do something very concrete to make a real difference. The results will be very closely scrutinised to build a targeted action plan and a high response rate will really help us to focus our efforts where they are needed most.’

Race Equality Charter

The University signed up to the principles of Advance HE’s Race Equality Charter last year as part of a wider anti-racism action plan. This provides an important framework for our work to tackle racial inequalities and work is already underway in this area.

The next step is to undertake a significant data analysis to uncover race-specific issues, aims, and priorities, across the whole University. This includes issues ranging from staff profile, progression recruitment and development, the student pipeline and approaches to teaching and learning, all of which is underpinned by our cultures on campus. This survey is a vital part of this work.

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