If you’re graduating this December, we know you have a lot to consider at the moment.
That’s why we thought it would be helpful to share four quick things you could do today that might help you secure a job or, if you already have a job, help you progress within your career beyond graduation.
1. Update your contact details
Once you graduate, the University will continue to offer you support and guidance. We can help you secure a job or provide you with exclusive opportunities that will enhance your career.
To make sure you can access the support we can offer, you need to update your contact details.
2. Take a look at Your Future
Your Future is just for University of Liverpool finalists and graduates. It’s a new way for you to stay connected, build the right skills and experiences, and hear first about exclusive career opportunities in Liverpool, the UK, and beyond. Use the platform to learn new skills, grow your connections and search for jobs.
3. Manage your LinkedIn account
If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile yet, sign up today. LinkedIn is a fantastic resource for finding work and will help you showcase your experience to potential employers.
If you have a profile but haven’t updated it in a while, sign in to your account and add in any additional experience, skills or education you have gained.
When completing your profile, avoid career buzzwords. When you describe your previous experience, select examples that highlight how your skills could be useful for employers.
Another helpful tool is Liverpool Connect. You can register for Liverpool Connect today and network with thousands of alumni.
4. Check your online footprint
Google yourself to find out what comes up. Employers might do this. If the results might make a potential employer think twice about hiring you, you may want to take some steps to counteract this. You might also like to change your privacy settings on your social media networks too.