
Share your views on the future of Liverpool’s bus services

Buses are the backbone of our local transport network – half a million people across the Liverpool City Region use the bus every day to travel to work, school and university, including many students. Each bus takes an estimated 75 cars off the roads, reducing emissions and helping us to respond to climate change.

The Liverpool City Region Combined Authority has new powers to improve bus services by taking greater public control of the network. After careful consideration, the Combined Authority has decided that franchising would be the best option to reform our bus services. This option would mean things like fares, routes and timetables would be under local public control, with bus companies responsible for running  buses themselves.

Before any final decision is made, the Combined Authority want to know what local people think of the proposals. Anyone can take part in this consultation, including students. Even if you do not use buses, you can still take part – they want to hear from everyone.

Learn more about the proposed changes and share your views by visiting

You’ve got until midnight on Thursday 3rd August to respond – have your say!

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