
Coming soon…quick and easy access to lecture recordings

Student working on laptop

From Friday 1 September you will notice that we have a new way of recording and retrieving lectures for students, which will help to support your studies throughout your time at University.

The new platform, called Panopto, is replacing the current system, Stream.

Panopto will give students access to better quality recordings of your lectures and all recordings will now be stored in the Cloud, so you should be able to access them whenever and wherever you want.

Lectures from previous academic years, recorded in Stream, are being migrated to Panopto and will become available over the next few weeks, providing you with uninterrupted access from the start of the 2023/24 academic year onwards.

Training is now available for students, to help you maximise the benefits of Panopto, including how to download the technology onto personal devices and how to search for and view recordings. You can access this training and more via Canvas.

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