Webinar: University of Liverpool Research Fellowships – Monday, 11 September

An interactive webinar will take place on Monday, 11th September for prospective applicants to find out more about the University of Liverpool’s new Research Fellowships scheme.

As part of Strategy 2031, which will take the University to its 150th anniversary, the scheme aims to recruit 50 new tenure track fellows over the next five years to further enhance world-class research potential at Liverpool.

The webinar will outline the opportunities, application process and the support package available through these new five-year roles which will foster the development of future research leaders across a broad and diverse range of disciplines in an inclusive and collaborative environment.

The webinar will start at 11am (BST) and will feature Professor Anthony Hollander, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research & Impact, Professor Georgina Endfield, Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research Environment & Postgraduate Research, Dr James Howard, Director of the Academy and Jo Squires, Deputy Director of HR.

Following the presentations, participants will have the opportunity to take part in breakout sessions with academic staff from the University’s Faculties. These sessions will provide insights into the research strengths and ambitions of each Faculty and give participants he opportunity to ask questions.

To register to attend the webinar please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/university-of-liverpool-research-fellowships-tickets-713030472337?aff=oddtdtcreator

The Fellowship scheme will close for the initial round of applications on 1 October 2023.Further details about the fellowships and how to apply can be found here: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/research/fellowships/

The University’s Academy is dedicated to creating an environment that values diversity and supports all staff and students, regardless of background or identity, in their pursuit of success. They have implemented a Code of Conduct to ensure a safe and constructive environment for all participants in their events.