
Considered studying abroad? Visit our Global Opportunities Fair this Tuesday

You are invited to a Global Opportunities Fair, hosted at Mountford Hall (the Guild) on Tuesday, 7 November from 10am to 4pm, to find out more about international study!

The Global Opportunities Fair kicks off Global Opportunities Week, which will run from Tuesday, 7 November to Tuesday, 14 November.

At the Fair you will be able to:

There will be a Quiet Hour from 3pm-4pm. Browse the fair as normal, but with a little less noise to support students with sensory needs.

Our Global Opportunities Fair is an important date in the diary during Global Opportunities Week.

Throughout the week you will be able to explore exciting international opportunities. Find out when your department’s academic Global Opportunities Academic Advisor will be running a session by visiting our webpages.

Other sessions throughout the week include partner Sessions, budgeting basics and information sessions from the Global Opportunities Team. We’re also very excited to introduce ‘A Day in the Life’ sessions which will give you the opportunity to speak to students currently studying abroad!

Global Opportunities can offer you the adventure of a lifetime – don’t miss the chance to find out more!

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