
Celebrating student success at the Sport Liverpool awards

Sport Liverpool AU Dinner

This year Sport Liverpool hosted their annual awards dinner at Anfield Football Stadium on Friday 10 May 2024.

The event saw over 500 attendees celebrate the achievements of our Athletic Union over the 2023/24 academic year, with 14 awards presented alongside university blues, royal blues, and full colours on the evening.

See all the action from our AU in the last 12 months on the video below.

Congratulations to all of the winners on the night:

Stuart Wade, Sports Development Manager, said: “The Athletic Union Awards Dinner celebrates the season of sport here at The University of Liverpool, and Anfield Stadium is a great venue for us to honour our talented and successful teams and individuals.”

“Once again, the night delivered great joy and some disappointment for clubs which encapsulates the highs and lows of sport. Our awards also capture our most caring of students via our Hannah Daibell Award. It is truly a wonderful night and had 510 students and guests present including 48 of our 53 clubs.  Undoubtedly a highlight of the sporting year.”


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