University launches Digital Media & Society Institute

University of Liverpool researchers, at the forefront of understanding the role and impact of digital media in society, came together for the launch of the Digital Media & Society Institute (DMSI).

The interdisciplinary institute aims to understand the role of digital media across society, politics, culture and the economy with a view to leveraging the benefits while mitigating the risks it can pose. Here researchers from across academic faculties will address key issues, including increasing levels of inequality, deprivation and social/political unrest, and environmental issues such as sustainability and climate change.

Policy makers, partners and stakeholders from the media and academia attended the event to hear insights into the key areas of focus for the institute.

Vice-Chancellor Professor Tim Jones, who opened the event, commented: It is more important than ever to understand the power and potential of digital media, while striving to ensure that digital media is distributed equitably and regulated responsibility. Through the DMSI, the University of Liverpool is leading the development of interdisciplinary digital society research by integrating the humanities and social sciences with computer science and science disciplines.”

Key areas of focus for DMSI include:

  • Delivering a robust programme of research and insights into the co-development of contemporary society and the digital platforms upon which we now depend.
  • Utilising a high-definition LED video wall providing state-of-the-art visualisation facilities to help understand the complexity of the digital world we live in today.
  • Developing and using AI and interactive 2D and 3D visualisations and immersive analytics to demonstrate digital media’s impact.
  • Informing design, policymaking, and activism around future digital media and systems.

Co-Directors of DMSI, Professor Kay O’Halloran and Professor Simeon Yates, from the Department of Communication and Media at the University of Liverpool said: “DMSI uniquely brings together computing and technical aspects of digital media with its social impact on individuals and communities. Our work will tackle social and technical issues in tandem – as our research straddles everything from technical innovations to the development of public policy.

“The launch was a great opportunity to illustrate our ambitions and shine a spotlight on real world issues that DMSI is both examining and finding solutions for.”

Attendees were shown highlights of DMSI’s work