Dr Catherine Queen, Department of Geography and Planning and co-convenor of the Liverpool Feminist City Network has been appointed to the Women’s Equity Panel for the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority
Catherine will be in post for the next three years, and she will work with other members of the panel to act in an advisory and influencing capacity, providing advice, guidance and scrutiny on the design and delivery of the LCRCA Services, Policies and practices including the new Corporate Plan.
The Combined Authority has four Equality Panels which cover disability, race, gender, and sexuality and their remit is to help embed equality, diversity and inclusion into all Combined Authority activity and decision making.
The panel is currently outlining the key priorities of focus for the municipal year and Dr Queen is looking forward to acting as the Work Plan lead for Community Engagement. Dr Queen said: “This panel role reflects my existing interests as Co-convenor of the Liverpool Feminist City Network. Much of my work has been undertaken at a global scale in considering the ways in which cities can be more inclusive and this was the focus in partnering with Arup and the United Nations on the award-winning report: Designing cities that work for women. I am now looking forward to making a meaningful contribution at a local scale through locally targeted actions which are specific to the Liverpool City Region. I was born in Liverpool, and also live and work in the City Region, which makes this opportunity important to me at a personal level”.
Catherine Queen is a Chartered Town Planner, a Chartered Landscape Architect and a Practitioner Member of IEMA with over 30 years’ experience in industry, mainly working in private practice. Her collaborative work with ARUP and the UNDP on a ‘gender responsive’ approach to planning and design of cities was shortlisted in the Times Higher Education Awards 2023.
Earlier this year, Dr Queen helped launch the Liverpool Feminist City Network to help re-frame conversations on urban design, public space, public safety, governance, institutional design, and public policy and services to understand how we can create cities that work better, not only for women, but for us all. You find out more about Feminist Cities by Listening to Dr Queen and her colleagues discuss feminist cities on the Original Ideas Podcast.