
Meet your Guild Student Officers for 2024/25

In earlier this year, our students elected four new Guild Student Officers for 2024/25– Jitendra , Othman , Holly and Rowan.

What is a Student Officer?

Elected every year in a campus-wide vote, Student Officers work full time at the Guild to make sure your student voice is heard on key issues; they spend the year leading the Guild, sitting on university committees and leading campaigns to improve the lives of students.  

Any full-time member of the Guild in any year of study can stand to be a Student Officer. 

Now that they have settled into their roles, we’ve been finding out more about them and what they hope to achieve over the next few months.

Rowan Bradbury, Guild President

What did you study? Architecture

3 things you’re working on this year:
• Free Graduation Gowns
• Guild Loyalty Card
• Improving and Promoting Mental Health Support

Favourite thing about Liverpool: It’s strong Irish Community

Jitendra Inturi, Deputy President

What did you study? Management

3 things you’re working on this year:
• Cheaper Gyms
• Red Brick Rave – a UoL festival
• Dedicated University Bus Service

Favourite thing about Liverpool: The vibes

Othman Ibrahim, Vice President

What did you study? Architectural Engineering

3 things you’re working on this year:
• Lobbying the University to introduce a break between January exams and Semester 2
• Better cycling opportunities for students
• Improving facilities in Libraries

Favourite thing about Liverpool: The Docks

Holly Thompson, Vice President

What did you study? Geography

3 things you’re working on this year:
• Making sustainability a priority on campus
• Improving bus links to campus and the city
• Increasing housing support

Favourite thing about Liverpool: The people!

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