European study abroad funding awarded


Students are to continue to have the opportunity to study and work abroad in the European Union, thanks to the successful award of the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education, which funds European exchanges and work placements for students.

Around 150 students at the University of Liverpool are funded every year to study abroad through Erasmus at partner universities in destinations including France, Germany, Spain, Austria and Italy. Funded by the European Commission, Erasmus is a European Union (EU) student exchange programme which is the most successful student exchange programme in the world. Almost 3 million students have taken part in Erasmus since its creation in 1987, providing them with the opportunity to give their studies a European dimension and enhance their employability.


Sarah Husain, Study Abroad Manager, at the Student Recruitment and Admissions Office said: “Erasmus+, the new phase of the Erasmus programme, represents a major funding stream for students at the University of Liverpool who want to take advantage of time studying or working abroad. The new Erasmus+ charter award means that we can continue to fund important educational opportunities for our students. All Universities had to reapply for the Charter this year and we are delighted that we have been successful. “

All study abroad under the Erasmus programme is credit bearing, which means that it replaces the semester student would otherwise have taken in Liverpool and all the marks gained at the partner university will count towards the final University of Liverpool degree. Students studying for a Modern Language are required to spend their full third year abroad, the majority of whom do so through the Erasmus scheme.

For further information about study abroad opportunities, please visit:

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