The University’s gender pay gap report for 2019 reveals that the current pay gap has been reduced by 3.5% to 15.5%, which is 2% below the national UK Gender Pay Gap for 2019 of 17.3%.
The figures compare the median income of the whole male staff population and the whole female staff population. The University’s 15.5% (median) difference reflects the overall distribution of men and women in the pay spine and within different job groups.
The gender pay gap is not the same as equal pay – while the gender pay gap compares the average income of the whole male staff population and the whole female staff population, equal pay compares the average income of men and women who are doing the same or similar work to determine whether they are receiving equal remuneration.
The University also reports reductions in median pay gaps for the following staff:
• Disability pay gap: 9.6% (11.1% in 2018)
• Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) pay gap: -12.3% (-13.2% in 2018)
• People of Colour (PoC) pay gap: -0.53% (-6% in 2018)
Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dame Janet Beer, said: “The latest figures illustrate our continued commitment to improving equality and diversity.
“We have undertaken a significant amount of work to promote gender equality in recent years, including supporting more than 200 women on the Springboard, Aurora and Senior Women’s Development Programmes. We also run academic promotion workshops, some of which are specifically aimed at women.
“We’ve made great strides in our work around gender equality, and we must and will continue to build on these improvements to reduce our gender pay gap.
“A total of 44% of professorial promotions in 2018 were women – an increase from 30% in 2017, as well as 45% of promotions to Senior Lecturer and 52% of promotions to Reader.”
The full statutory Pay Gap 2019 report is available to view here.