2010 Open Days

The Student Recruitment and Admissions Office (SRAO) recently conducted a University-wide survey to consult with colleagues regarding the dates of the Open Days in 2010.

In order to further improve THE University’s recruitment position, meet market demands and align activities with that of competitors, it has been agreed that there will be three University-wide Open Days in 2010, with the third event taking place on a Saturday.

Four combinations of dates were offered in the survey, which was completed by 221 staff members.

Following the results of the consultation, next years Open Days will take place on the following dates: Saturday 26 June 2010, Friday 10 September 2010 and Saturday 9 October 2010.

This was the preferred choice receiving the highest overall score as well as the highest percentage (37%) of respondents citing it as their favourite option.

SRAO would like to thank colleagues for taking part in the consultation.

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