Director of Planning receives Fellowship award

Professor Heazlewood's research group. From left to right: Paul Regan, Jake Diprose, Vincent Richardson, me, Lucy Morris, Kyriaki Vourka, and Maks Roman.

Vikki Goddard

The award was presented to Vikki by Lord Robert Winston, Professor of Science and Society and Emeritus Professor of Fertility Studies, at the AUA 13th annual lecture, London

Vikki Goddard, Director of Planning, has been presented with an Association of University Administrators (AUA) Fellowship award.

The award gives recognition to members of the Association who have made a significant contribution to the development of the AUA and to the management and administration of the sector.

Vikki said: “I am honoured and delighted to have received this award which shows that my professional association recognises my contribution to planning in higher education and to the professional development of colleagues involved in this area.  It also reflects the importance I have always placed on staff within Professional Services undertaking continuing development activities to support their contribution to the University.”

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