Inaugural Lecture 2012

Dr Joan Taylor (1940–2019) left; Professor Liz Slater (1946-2014) centre; Dr Ceren Kabukcu teaching in the microscope lab (images © Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool)

Professor Robert Kronenburg, Roscoe Chair of Architecture, will be giving an Inaugural Lecture on Thursday, 8 March.

His lecture entitled Live Architecture: the buildings, spaces and places of popular music performance will be given in the Reilly Room, Liverpool School of Architecture at 5.30pm and will be followed by a networking reception.

Professor Kronenburg is an architect whose research engages with innovative forms of architectural design, film and popular music.

The lecture is free but places are limited. To book email Filomena Saltao or telephone 0151 795 3129.

The event will also launch Professor Kronenburg’s newly published book Live Architecture: Venues, Stages and Arenas for Popular Music.

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