Lecture to explore what makes a music venue successful

Dr Joan Taylor (1940–2019) left; Professor Liz Slater (1946-2014) centre; Dr Ceren Kabukcu teaching in the microscope lab (images © Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, University of Liverpool)

A lecture exploring the architectural factors that make certain music and performance venues successful will be held at the University of Liverpool.

Professor Rob Kronenburg, will deliver his inaugural lecture as newly-appointed Roscoe Chair of Architecture at the University, entitled Live Architecture: The Buildings, spaces and places of popular music performance.

The lecture will focus on successful music and performance venues from small, music clubs from the 60s – like the Cavern in Liverpool – to modern, complex stadium-sized buildings such as the O2 Arena in London

The Roscoe Chair of Architecture is one of the original endowments of the University, founded by the citizens of Liverpool to commemorate the name of William Roscoe (1753-1831), MP, businessman, cultural benefactor and anti-slavery campaigner. It is the principal funded professorship in the Liverpool School of Architecture and one of the oldest in the University. Professor Kronenburg is the ninth holder of the chair since its foundation in 1881.

Professor Kronenburg’s latest book, Live Performance: Venues, Stages and Arenas for Popular Music will be launched at this event.

Professor Kronenburg’s lecture is on Thursday, 8 March in the Reilly room at the School of Architecture on Abercromby Square at 5.30pm. The lecture is free but places are limited. To book contact Filomena Saltao on 0151 795 3129 or filomena.saltao@liv.ac.uk.

One thought on “Lecture to explore what makes a music venue successful

  1. Gale34

    Sounds like an interesting lecture. It seems in the past venues where designed from a musical perspective, whereas now some of the larger venues primary fucntion is as a sporting venue, and musical venue second. Also, I am wondering of there are architectural ‘shields’ that can be used at open air venues to make the experience more real or intense/enjoyable by bouncing the sound back around the audience?

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