Mansion House needs volunteers


Jane (second from right) with the Lord Mayor and the High Sheriff

Staff are being asked to volunteer their time, skills and support to help The Reader Organisation who are working in collaboration with the University.

Previously based on campus, Founder and Director of the organisation Dr Jane Davis and her team are hoping to transform their current headquarters, Calderstones Mansion House, which opened in April this year, into The International Centre for Reading and Wellbeing.

Jane said: “Our vision for Calderstones is a place with volunteering at its heart, where everyone can read, work, play, make new friends and find new opportunities. The people of Liverpool have so much to offer, from donating books and unwanted furniture, sharing their skills or imply giving an hour of their time.”

Lord Mayor, Councillor Gary Millar, recently attended a lunch to hear about the project and how academics in the Centre for Research into Reading, Information and Linguistic Systems and the Institute of Public Policy and Practice are getting involved.

mansion house initiative

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