
Watch: Vice-Chancellor congratulates graduates

This week the University welcomes thousands of students along with their friends and families to the campus to celebrate the culmination of their hard work.

Vice-Chancellor, Professor Janet Beer, congratulates students in this short film:

The University is also awarding honorary degrees to nine esteemed figures including TV Classicist, Professor Mary Beard, and Chief Executive of the Howard League for Penal Reform, Frances Crook.

Today Professor Rodney Philips, a world-renowned immunologist whose work has greatly enriched the world’s understanding of HIV and other infectious diseases, will be awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science.

This afternoon painter and sculptor, Tom Murphy, who designed the Abercromby Square statue of the double Victoria Cross winner Captain Noel Chavasse along with many other well-known sculptures in Liverpool, will receive an Honorary Doctor of Letters.

The ceremonies take place in Liverpool Philharmonic Hall on Hope Street.


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