The University is funding places on the ‘Aurora’ national leadership programme for women as part of its commitment to gender equality.
Aurora aims to encourage a wide range of women in academic and professional roles to think of themselves as leaders, to develop leadership skills and to help institutions maximise the potential of these women.
The programme, run by the Leadership Foundation, is delivered as a mixture of development days, self-directed learning and work with a mentor.
This is the fourth year the University has funded places on the programme for staff. Funding is available for five places; however departments are also welcome to fund additional places for their staff.
Last year 26 candidates from the University took part in the programme from both academic and professional service backgrounds. Each delegate attended five development days, comprising:
• Identity, impact and voice
• Power and politics
• Action learning set
• Core leadership skills
• Adaptive leadership skills
All participants were encouraged to take on a mentor, as part of the University’s new mentoring scheme, and to undertake self-directed learning in order to maximise the benefits of the programme.
Feedback from the programme to date has been very positive, with very personal perspectives on the different aspects of the programme:
“The first session on Identity and Voice was the most empowering for me and addressed the core of my issues that I was facing in my workplace. The active learning session was also surprising and incredibly useful.”
“I’ve found it very helpful doing the course in a different region and therefore learning from other colleagues in different areas. The action learning set has been the best for me as I have got to know a group of women I probably would never have met before. We are a complete mix of professional services and academic staff which I particularly like and I’ve found the shared knowledge and support of the group invaluable.”
This year’s programme will run between October 2016 and February 2017. There will be six cohorts, each made up of delegates from different institutions and training will be delivered in various locations across the country.
For further details please visit the Aurora webpages.
If you are interested in applying for a funded place on the programme, please complete the application form which can be found on the Organisational Development website: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/intranet/hr/people-development/developmentopportunities/leadersmanagers/externalleadershipprogrammes/
Please return forms to: training@liv.ac.uk