James presenting at the Computational Models of Argument conference
A 2016 graduate from the University’s Department of Computer Science, James Butterworth, has presented work completed for his BSc degree in Artificial Intelligence at an international conference
The conference `Computational Models of Argument’ is concerned with the representation of arguments to use in automated reasoning for artificial intelligence applications.
Liverpool has a strong record of participation in this community and in his final year of undergraduate study James completed a project within this field, which was supervised by Professor Paul Dunne from the Department of Computer Science.
The paper “Spectral Techniques in Argumentation Framework Analysis” which featured the results of his project was accepted for publication after having been subject to a rigorous peer review process. In total, six papers from Liverpool were presented at the conference.
Professor Katie Atkinson, Head of the Department of Computer Science, who was also attending the conference, said “The Department is very proud to have graduated such a high quality student as James whose undergraduate work has been recognised internationally through publication as a full paper in this conference’s proceedings.
“James gave an excellent presentation of the work at the conference and there was interest from the audience about new lines of investigation that the research opens up. I am delighted that James will be remaining with the University to commence a PhD next month to apply his talents in developing research in artificial intelligence.”