The Liverpool Confucius Institute is welcoming in the Year of the Rooster with a series of events and activities.
On Tuesday, 24 January, a free talk will explore the theory and practice of acupuncture in the context of cross-cultural knowledge and creation. `Is Acupuncture a Fraud? Reflections on Science, Culture and Identity’ will take place in Seminar room 6, the Teaching Hub on South Campus. To reserve a place at this free event please email lci@liverpool.ac.uk.
A professional Chinese troupe will join local schools performing Kung Fu, dance and music at a free celebratory event at the Playhouse Theatre on Friday, 27 January, from 2pm – 4pm. To find out more about this event please visit https://www.everymanplayhouse.com/whats-on/chinese-new-year-spring-festival
The Victoria Gallery & Museum (VG&M) will be hosting its popular Chinese New Year Family event on Saturday 28 January, between 1 and 4pm, where visitors will be able to make their very own dragon puppet and New Year calligraphy scroll.
A calligraphy and paper cutting workshop will take place on Saturday 4 February 2017 at Toxteth Library, starting at 10am.
In partnership with Chinese student societies, there will be a special celebration of Chinese music and dance in the Liverpool Guild of Students on Wednesday, 8 February between 2 and 4pm.
Celebrations will also be taking place in the city including a special Chinese New Year lumiere event with projections in Chinatown which will tell the ancient myth of Jingwei and the Ocean.
The 12-minute lumiere creation will light up the city’s Chinese Arch in a loop for an hour on Saturday, 28 and Sunday 29 January. Further details about the programme of events in Liverpool can be found at the Culture Liverpool website: http://www.cultureliverpool.co.uk/cny/