Dr. Beatriz Garcia
Dr. Beatriz García, Head of Research at the University’s Institute of Cultural Capital (ICC), has been been officially appointed by the European Commission to act as a panel member for the European Capital of Culture (ECoC) programme.
As a member of the panel for the period 2017-2019, Beatriz will be involved in the pre-selection, selection and monitoring of European Capitals of Culture for the years 2020 to 2025, as one of ten experts appointed by EU institutions to oversee the programme.
Panel members are expected to have substantial experience and expertise in the cultural sector, in the cultural development of cities, or in the organisation of a European Capital of Culture event or an international cultural event of similar scope and scale.
Beatriz is acknowledged as one of the foremost experts on the ECoC programme, having conducted groundbreaking longitudinal studies on both Glasgow 1990 and Liverpool 2008, in addition to undertaking the first comprehensive overview of 30 years of ECoC programming for the European Parliament.
Further information on Beatriz’s work is available on the ICC staff page and on Beatriz’s personal website.