Disease outbreaks are inevitable, and often unpredictable, events that come with uncertainty, confusion and a sense of urgency. So how should vital response decisions be made and communicated during uncertain times?
Dr Veronica Bowman will examine the underpinning principals of how risk and uncertainty is understood and communicated at a free talk being held at the Victoria Gallery and Museum next week.
Using an illustrative scenario examining the theoretical release and spread of a disease within a city, she will demonstrate both the challenges faced in such a complex scenario and share current best practice when communicating with decision makers.
Veronica is a principal statistician at the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory who specialises in uncertainty calculation and communication. She has spent many years applying Bayesian methodology and data fusion techniques to problems in the military domain as well as working with academia to improve understanding of how uncertainty is propagated and how decisions should be taken under uncertainty.
‘Calculating and Communicating Uncertainty and Risk to Allow Informed Decision Making’ takes place at 5:30pm on Monday, 24 April at the Victoria Gallery and Museum. To book your place please visit: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/university-open-risk-lecture-series-veronica-bowman-dstl-tickets-32955226971
The talk is the first in a new series of open lectures being hosted by the University’s Institute for Risk and Uncertainty, with future talks including themes such as climate change and financial strategy. For more information about the series please visit: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/risk-and-uncertainty/risklectureseries/