Our latest podcast examines the reasons why mermaids fascinate and attract us and is now available to download, review and subscribe on iTunes, Tunein and Blubrry.
What is it about these mythical creatures that has so captivated humans for thousands of years and across cultures? Sarah Peverley is a Professor of English Literature at the University’s Department of English and a Leverhulme Research Fellow working on a project entitled: ‘Mermaids of the British Isles, c. 450-1500’.
Sarah walks us through our long, complex and profound relationship with these beguiling messengers from the deep.
Positive change
The podcasts aim to bring listeners closer to some of the academic experts, authors and innovative thinkers from the University who, through their in-depth analyses, research and discoveries are affecting positive change in the world today.
The series, hosted by Canadian journalist and producer Neil Morrison, features in depth conversations with one or more of our academic experts discussing research in their specialist field.
The podcasts, which have been produced in collaboration with the University of Liverpool online programmes team, are intended to provide a quick route to insider knowledge on new trends and upcoming key issues.
If you would like to contact our podcast with feedback or suggestions for future recordings please e-mail news@liverpool.ac.uk

Professor Sarah Peverley
Read more about Professor Peverley’s work here and on her website and twitter site.
You can also listen to the Little Mermaid soundtrack by Alex Cottrell and the Little Mermaid audiobook by Sarah Peverley and The Liverpool Players here.