Staff are being reminded to check their personal and emergency contact details held on the online HR portal are correct ahead of a test of the Emergency Notification System.
It is important that the University holds a correct and up-to-date mobile phone number for every member of staff in the case of an emergency on campus.
When emergencies occur the University is able to send out notifications via SMS/text and email that provide staff with public safety information and details of high risk incidents.
During the week commencing Monday, 30 October a test of the system will be run. Once the test commences staff members with accurate emergency contact details will receive the following text message and email:
“This is a TEST of the University of Liverpool’s Emergency Notification system. NO ACTION IS NEEDED. In a real emergency, this message will contain important alert information. If you know a colleague who has NOT received this message please advise them to ensure their contact details on Core HR are up-to-date.”
Ahead of this test staff are being reminded to check all their personal and emergency contact details held on the online HR portal (Core HR) as it is essential the University holds correct and up-to-date details for every member of staff especially contact details in case of a real emergency on campus.
Please note if you have provided a landline as your emergency contact phone number you will NOT receive a message. It is strongly recommended that you provide a mobile phone number to ensure alerts and notifications are received in a timely manner.
If you are unsure where to find your emergency contact details to check and update your details by following the instructions below:Log into the online HR portal https://corehr.liv.ac.uk
- Log into the online HR portal https://corehr.liv.ac.uk
- Click on the ‘My Profile’ button in the top right of the screen
- In the left hand menu click on ‘Other Information’
- Click on the ‘Emergency Contact Details’ tab which can now be found underneath the ‘Other Information’ tab. You are now on the ‘Emergency Contact Details’ page. Please check your contact details are correct and edit if necessary. If you do not have any contact details please click the ‘Add item’ button, enter details and press ‘Save’
Whilst you are in the system you are also encouraged to check all the information held about you is correct.
If you have any problems accessing the online HR portal please email hrmi@liverpool.ac.uk or call 0151 794 2531.