The latest Academy Developing Practice Series (ADPS) workshop will focus on developing educational technology to support personalised learning. The presentation will be a case study from the Department of Mathematical Sciences where an online platform has been used for online assessment (formative, summative and blended), online learning as part of a flipped classroom, and online modules; all with a view to enhancing the undergraduate student experience. It will provide a dialogic space where staff from different disciplines can come together to discuss ideas to inform their understanding with a view to the development of educational technology to support personalised learning.
The workshop will be led by Dr Joel Haddley, Lecturer in Mathematical Sciences at The University of Liverpool and lead for the Mathematics Centre for Enhancement in Education (MathsCEE).
When: Thursday, 27 February 2020 from 11am to 1pm
Where: Rendall Building Seminar Room 11
Booking: Please register on Core HR
The role of The Academy is to promote and enable organisational excellence through the strategic development of the University’s people and practices. One way that we achieve this is by providing opportunities for continuous professional development for individuals through our Academic CPD Academy Developing Practice Series (ADPS) of workshops and seminars.
The Developing Practice Series covers a wide range of topics on learning and teaching in Higher Education. All colleagues are welcome to attend any of these workshops by booking using the Core HR system. Alternatively, you could propose to lead a session yourself by emailing theacademy@liverpool.ac.uk and including ‘Developing Practice Series’ is your title. This could contribute to your own development and provide evidence towards your claim for Fellowship or Senior Fellowship of the HEA via ULTRA.
Future Workshops:
19th March 2020 12-2pm: Developing Lectures and Large Group Teaching
16th April 2020 12-2pm: Discussing Small Group Teaching
14th May 2020 12-2pm: Exploring the Role of Blended Learning