If you need to contact your School Office please use the relevant details below:
- School of the Arts (general): sscarts@liv.ac.uk
- School of the Arts (COVID-19 information or absence reporting): sotacvd@liverpool.ac.uk
- Histories, Languages and Culture (general): hlcasses@liverpool.ac.uk
- Histories, Languages and Culture (COVID-19 information or absence reporting): HLC-Covid@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Law and Social Justice (general): slsjexams@liv.ac.uk
- School of Law and Social Justice (COVID-19 information or absence reporting): slsjcvd@liv.ac.uk
- Management School (undergraduate – general): ulmsugenq@liv.ac.uk
- Management School (postgraduate – general): ulmspgenq@liv.ac.uk
- Management School (COVID-19 information or absence reporting): ulmscvd@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Medicine Year 1: yr1mbchb@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Medicine Year 2: yr2mbchb@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Medicine Year 3: yr3mbchb@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Medicine Year 4: yr4mbchb@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Medicine Year 5: yr5mbchb@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Medicine (all years) to also include mbchb@liverpool.ac.uk in emails regarding COVID-19 information or absence reporting
- Electrical Engineering: Studyenq@liverpool.ac.uk
- Computer Science: csstudy@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Environmental Sciences (general): envsci@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Environmental Sciences (COVID-19 information or absence reporting): soescov@liverpool.ac.uk
- Chemistry: chemso@liverpool.ac.uk
- Mathematical Sciences: mathstudentsupport@liverpool.ac.uk
- Physics: PSS13@liverpool.ac.uk
- Physics (postgraduate taught): mscphys1@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Physical Sciences (postgraduate research): spspgr@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Life Sciences (general): bioteach@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Life Sciences (COVID-19 information or absence reporting): lscovid@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Psychology: SEO-PSYC@liverpool.ac.uk
- Doctorate in Clinical Psychology: dclin@liv.ac.uk
- School of Veterinary Sciences (general): vetrecep@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Veterinary Sciences (COVID-19 information or absence reporting): vetcovid@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Engineering: ugsupeng@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Health Sciences: shscovid@liverpool.ac.uk
- School of Dentistry: chown@liverpool.ac.uk & andrea@liverpool.ac.uk & ljones12@liverpool.ac.uk
- Health and Life Sciences (PGR Team): hlspgr@liverpol.ac.uk