We have made some changes to our self-reporting process for COVID-19 isolation periods and test results.
The self-isolation report will no longer be on Liverpool Life.
Instead it is now available on the student intranet.
You should use this form to report any time you need to isolate, which could be due to being a close contact of someone with Covid-19, waiting for your own test results or receiving a positive result.
New case management system
Next week, we are also due to launch a new Case Management System. Once the system is live, it will be available here. This system will allow all staff and students to self-report symptoms, let us know you have booked a test, as well as notifying us of positive COVID-19 test results from either asymptomatic quick-result tests or any symptomatic PCR tests.
The data will be accessed by the University’s Contact Tracing Team, who will then be in touch to follow track and trace protocol. Keep an eye on Student News for more details about how you can access the system when it is live.
If you have any queries about test booking, reporting symptoms or test results, or anything else related to COVID-19, please contact our Covid-19 helpline: 0151 795 9500.
The helpline is available Monday to Sunday 10.00am to 4.30pm.