Students have been emailed today (Wednesday, 7 April) with a brief update about planned activities on campus in the coming term, and the impact of the easing of Government COVID-19 measures.
Government guidance for Universities
We have been anticipating an announcement from the Government over the holiday period, setting out any changes to COVID-related restrictions on universities during the summer term. So far, no announcement has been made, although it is likely there will be further news over the next week or so. If and when there are any developments, we’ll be in touch to explain any impact they may have on you and your studies.
In the meantime, current arrangements for teaching on your programme as previously communicated to you remain unchanged.
Changes to national restrictions
You are probably aware that the Government has confirmed some changes to restrictions affecting the general public, to take effect from next Monday 12 April. These changes include:
- Non-essential retail, public libraries, indoor leisure facilities (such as gyms and spas), personal care premises (such as hairdressers), and most outdoor attractions can reopen.
- Hospitality venues will be able to open to serve food and drink in outdoor spaces, providing customers remain seated.
- The Government website provides the full details of these and other changes.
As a result of these national changes, some facilities on campus will also reopen. These include the Sports and Fitness Centre, which will offer sessions on a pre-booked basis.
Summer Term Events Programme (STEP)
We will shortly be launching a Summer Term Events Programme of co-curricular activities for all students to enjoy, whether you are studying online or in-person. If you are already in Liverpool there will be a selection of in-person events for you to take part in safely on campus. If you’re studying from home, you can take part in many of the activities online.
The programme, which will initially run from Monday 12 April until Friday 7 May, includes a variety of events and activities from across the University, from skills sessions, public lectures and careers workshops to guided walks, Guild ‘give it a go’ sessions and creative ‘crafternoons’.
You will be able to view the full details on the Summer Term Events Programme webpages, or by downloading the My Liverpool app, available on the App Store and Google Play. Please keep an eye on the app or the web pages as the programme will continue to grow over the next few weeks.
All in-person events will operate with limited capacities and have been risk assessed as COVID-safe, however it is equally important that all attendees – and everyone visiting campus – adhere to current public health measures to keep everyone safe. These include getting regular tests and wearing a face covering inside campus buildings, as well as outdoors on campus wherever maintaining a 2 metre distance may not be possible. Find out more about on-campus safety measures on our COVID Safety hub.