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Saturday, 7 September

A letter to my first-year self: Alastair

Alastair Telfer is a final year BA Business Management with a Year in Industry student. Here, Alastair looks back at his time at the University and thinks about what he would tell his first-year self. Thanks for sharing, Alastair and congratulations #LivUniGrad.

Dear First Year Me,

I know moving over the Irish sea, away from the comforts of home feels like a big challenge. But I’m so proud of how you got on. Putting yourself out there to join different societies and working for Careers meant we met lots of different people. The ability to branch out and not stick to school friends was the best decision we made and we’ve made so many new friends that I know we’re going to have for life.

I want to thank my academic advisor, careers managers and all my friends and family who supported us in growing into a mature adult during my time at university.

Looking ahead, I’m not scared but excited. We’re going to be doing a sports journalism master’s after graduation. Having a taste of what working life was like in our year in industry has helped push us to get into the working world and grow even more as a person.

Although it was sad to finish virtually, I’m so happy to have ended this big chapter in our life. My advice to anyone new coming to university is the most cliche thing but – be yourself. Put yourself out there and you will achieve everything and more.

Thank you University of Liverpool,
Alastair Telfer

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