Our team of Wellbeing Advice and Guidance Advisers are here to provide initial advice and support on a wide range of issues that might be affecting your general welfare.
The start of a new academic year is an exciting time, but can also bring with it challenges. You don’t need to struggle on your own, and the following services and resources are free and confidential for all students.
The team are based in the Alsop Building on University Square, which is currently accessible by appointment only. You can either email your enquiry or access the online booking system to arrange a confidential one-to-one appointment.
They offer support through video (Microsoft Teams or Zoom), phone and email between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. Face to face appointments will also be available when term starts, and there will be an option for quick enquiry appointments in person or via video call.
Wellbeing Advice and Guidance are part of the wider Student Services team, which also includes our Counselling and Mental Health Advisory Services, as well Money, Disability, and International Advice and Guidance. For more information on the support available via the Student Service team click here.
If you are concerned that you cannot keep yourself safe then please do ask for help.
Introducing our self-help library
We have also created an online menu of self-help resources that cover topics including anxiety, depression, stress, imposter syndrome and sleep. The resources are designed to give you some ideas that will help you to stop problems from escalating.
Have a look and you may find an answer to your concern. To find out more and view the self-help library please click here.
Health Assured: 24/7 student assistance
Health Assured offer students a free, confidential advice line, with help available to talk through any problem, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The helpline is confidential. Qualified counsellors and advisors understand the pressures of student life, and are there to help anyone who needs it. Sometimes, simply talking through your issues with someone, in the moment, can be a great relief. Call the 24/7 helpline for free: 0800 028 3766.
Mental Wellbeing at University Online Workshop, Wednesday, 29 September, 6.00pm – 8.00pm
Being at university can be a really exciting experience, but it also comes with its challenges. Starting or returning to university can be an understandably anxiety provoking and overwhelming time with lots of transitions, changes and pressures. You may be experiencing lots of expectations and worries, and this is completely natural.
This workshop has been set up to remind you that you are not alone and will include information around what mental wellbeing is, common difficulties students face, how to take care of your mental wellbeing and where to go when you need further support.
Book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/mental-wellbeing-at-university-tickets-170453653466
Wellbeing reading list
The Library have created a full wellbeing reading list that includes everything from Mindfulness and meditation to Personal growth and skills development. All accessible through the University library online.
We’re here to help
Whatever help you need during your time at University, we’re here for you. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, or if you’re not sure who to speak to, please email advice@liv.ac.uk and an adviser will direct you to the appropriate support.