
Your feedback, our actions

We really value student feedback and use opinions to help shape and make improvements at the University.

Following our first instalment of ‘your feedback, our actions’ here are some more examples of the changes which have been made thanks to your input.

Investment in mental health and wellbeing support for students

We’ve employed new wellbeing, disability and mental health advisors within the Student Support team as well as a CBT therapist and additional counsellors. The team have also introduced specialist sexual assault support staff within the counselling and wellbeing support teams.

Career Coaches

We have introduced Career Coaches to help students to better explore career options. The specially-trained coaches can support students through all aspects of the job application process as part of the services offered within the Career Studio in the Alsop Building on University Square.

More social spaces on campus

The university has created new social spaces on campus to give students better opportunity to catch up with friends between lectures or whilst on campus. The new spaces are available across all areas of the campus (North, South and Central) and include spaces such as the ground floor library in 126 Mount Pleasant, a breakout space on the ground floor of Brodie Tower and the Management School Café.

New Student Hub to access wellbeing and support services

Following feedback from students, Student Services has introduced a brand-new Hub to help those seeking advice to access appointments with our professional teams quickly and easily. The hub provides access to both online and face-to-face appointments with services including Disability Advice and Guidance, International Advice and Guidance, Money Advice and Guidance, and Wellbeing Advice and Guidance.

All new Discover Week

Following feedback from commuter students, the University introduced Discover Week as part of our annual welcome activity. The week, which runs just before the main welcome activity, invites all new commuter students, mature learners, and students who have a disability, to join the Discover programme which supports the transition into university life.

This year the week involved a combination of online and in-person events to help students access support, connect with one another and explore the campus.

Partnership with Fika App

The University has agreed a partnership with mental fitness app Fika to give all students access to an additional tool to stay motivated, productive, focused and connected during work and study, as well as develop skills to help in the future.

On the app students can work through courses, learn from expert psychologists, other students, academics and professional athletes in short video, audio and text programmes, to understand and improve the 7 skills of Mental Fitness.

Download instructions are available on our student news pages.

New peer mentoring scheme

Peer Mentors are a team of students who are trained by the University to provide a voice for all wellbeing activity, to offer peer-to-peer support for students and to signpost to the services available to them.

Students can use the Handshake careers platform to contact the Peer Mentors and access resources such as guides, pre-recorded peer mentor sessions, bitesize videos, and other key information.

Introduction of a new student portal

Following student feedback a strategic change project, led by the Guild President, has been introduced to create a new student portal. The project, which is part of the wider Student Data Systems Programme (SDSP) will simplify the digital landscape at the University by providing a single mobile-friendly system which is easier to navigate and gives impactful, relevant and timely messaging.

Tell us about your experience
If you’re a final year undergraduate make sure you tell us about your time at Liverpool by completing the National Student Survey.
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