During the exam and assessment period, all students can access and use our Sports Centre facilities for free.
Regular exercise can improve mood, aid concentration, increase energy levels and improve memory – so why not take some time out from your revision to make use of our facilities including the gym, pool, classes and multi-sports bookings.
The offer will run from Monday 22 May until Sunday 4 June, and free access is available Monday – Friday from 9-11am (excluding Monday 29 May), and 2-4pm during the weekend.
More information
To take advantage of this offer you must take your student card each time you use the facility. You will need to complete a health disclaimer the first time you use the facility which is available at the Sports Centre reception.
To access the offer please complete the online registration form.
Any current student can use the facilities, even if you’ve not used the University’s Sports Centre before. Staff will give you a warm welcome and provide you with all the information, advice and support you need to get started.
For more information, please come into the Sports Centre reception or contact the team via email.
To find out more about the facilities, take a look at our website.
If you would like to use the gym but would like some help or instruction on how to use the equipment please email the fitness team on fcon@liv.ac.uk.