
Keep in the loop on University news

Student using social media

If you’d like to stay in touch with everything #TeamLivUni then we’ve got a whole bunch of channels at your disposal.


You can follow us on social media:

What’s App

You might also want to consider becoming a member of our What’s Apps Community.

The Community will be for all students at the University. We’ll post to the Community a couple of times a month about:

It is entirely up to you whether you join the community, but we’d love for you to be involved. Find out more.

Our website

We’d also encourage you to log on regularly to Student News.

We have a website dedicated to student information and news. The site’s homepage contains the top news stories of the week, so everything you need to know is right there at a glance.

The address to add to your favourites is:


Finally, you will definitely need to keep an eye on your emails.

The University will send out a couple of Student Newsletters a year, to bring you up to speed on key University news.

We will also send out emails from ‘University Communications’ when there is an urgent or priority piece of news we want you to know about.

You will also get regular emails from your School, to help you navigate through your time at the University.

We’re looking forward to staying in touch with you throughout the year, have a great Semester One.



Societies and how to join…

Did you know that we have over 200 societies, from academic to extracurricular,  faith and culture to performing arts, ballroom, baking and more.

Our societies are free to join and registration is already open.

Meet our societies at Welcome Fair Day Two – Friday of Welcome Week!


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