Ideas to make the most of your campus time this week

If you’re joining us on campus this week and have some spare time on your hands, you can rely on us to help you fill a few hours!

Whether it’s social events, something sporty or you’d rather spend your time developing techniques to help with your studies, we’ve got something to keep you busy. Here’s a suggestion or two for each day but there are plenty more options to choose from if you visit your ‘My Liverpool’ app and click on ‘view events’.

You should also check out the jam-packed programme of events organised by the University’s Halls team, which are running throughout the week.

And remember, from Monday to Friday, you can book on to a tour of the Harold Cohen and Sydney Jones libraries. Tours last around 20 minutes and will show you all you need to get started in the library. Times and dates for the library tours are listed on the My Liverpool app.

Here are some further ideas, which unless otherwise stated are open to new and returning students.


Yoga class
3-5pm in Activity Space 7 of The Guild
‘Give it a go’ with LivYoga. Introducing some yoga basics and relaxation techniques – free to anyone and everyone, no obligation to join the LivYoga Society but if you’re interested, this is a great taster.
Free and no booking required.


Managing Your Time
12-12.30m, online
Never quite sure how to prioritise your workload? Prone to procrastination? This half-hour online session will get you to think about how you currently spend your time and how you could manage it more effectively.

VG&M Guided Tour
A guided tour of the Victoria Gallery and Museum, our original ‘redbrick’!
Book via Eventbrite for this free tour and please turn up 10 minutes early.


Webinar on Referencing Your Sources
12-12.45pm, online
Grab yourself a coffee and find somewhere quiet to tune into our latest KnowHow webinar. Learn more about the importance of references, how to put together in-text citations and practice creating full references from various sources. One of many KnowHow events designed to equip you with the skills you need to flourish at University.


Note-taking Techniques
12-12.30pm, online
We’ve got another great KnowHow webinar for you on Thursday., If you want to learn how to make useful notes from lectures or resources, this session will look at what makes an effective set of notes and identify different methods of creating them.

Halls Pizza Mixer*
6-8pm, Crown Place reception
Grab a slice of pizza and get chatting to other students living in Halls. Everyone is welcome, feel free to come alone or bring a flatmate. This event is open to students living in all University of Liverpool Halls! Just turn up, but please note that pizza is first come, first served.
* only open to students living in Halls


Taster Self-Defence class
Hourly between 5-8pm, Mountford Hall, Liverpool Guild
Three one-hour classes  designed to empower our students. Learn a range of self-defence techniques in a relaxed and friendly environment. If you get a taste for the classes, you can sign up to a six-week course which the Guild is offering from mid-October.
This is a free class but booking is required to reserve a space.


We know that students can go through a range of emotions at the start of a new term. While we hope you’re settling into Semester One, please remember that if you ever need any advice or support at any time, we are here if you need us.
