Want to develop your writing skills, set yourself goals and get that thesis chapter, literature review or research paper written? WriteFest 2023 is here to help with all your writing needs.
WriteFest is a month-long celebration of academic writing happening throughout November 2023. As part of the festival of writing, The Academy have created an exciting programme of events and resources open to all postgraduate researchers.
This year’s events have been designed to help you overcome writer’s block, learn to write without discipline and develop effective academic writing practices. There are virtual and in-person writing retreats, and you can discover the secrets of how your academic reading practices can inform and improve your academic writing.
The WriteFest page also has plenty of written, video and audio resources, including understanding how to defeat digital distraction, writing for public audiences, choosing the right place to publish, and finding the time to write.
This year PGRs are also encouraged to join our WriteFest Teams channel, a friendly community of peers who can help support you and provide encouragement. Join us, share your goals and celebrate your progress!
Teams involved in this collaborative suite of events and resources include the English Language Centre, Academic Development, Research and Partnerships, the Library and KnowHow teams, as well as the PGR, Prosper and Research Staff teams within Researcher Development and Culture.
How to get involved with WriteFest this year:
- Click here to register for workshops: develop your knowledge and skills in all areas of writing by attending our workshops
- Click here to join the WriteFest team: share your writing goals, accomplishments and challenges with your peer community throughout the month, and get updates on resources and activities
- Click here to join the Shut up and Write team: commit to dedicated time to write while connecting virtually with your peers
So what are you waiting for? WriteFest 2023 is an opportunity to develop your writing skills, set yourself writing goals and finally finish that paper or chapter you’ve been writing!
View the full programme of events here: https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/researcher/development/writing-resources/
Save The Date for Making an Impact 2024
Mark your calendars, Making an Impact is back in 2024 from 13th May to 14th June. The Academy’s award-winning flagship event runs over five weeks, with activities and a new suite of resources that will support you to develop your skills and experience with knowledge exchange and research impact. Sessions will be a mix of online and in-person formats and will include an expanded number of research facility/centre tours, more opportunities for connecting with your peers, and an enhanced Making an Impact Framework toolbox to help you design your learning experience.
For any informal enquiries, please email: Researcher@liverpool.ac.uk
Follow @LivUniAcademy, @LivResearcher and @UoLPGRDevNet for updates and information about further PGR development opportunities.