Marc: A letter to my first-year self

Student graduate

With graduation week just around the corner, we have asked another of our Class of 2024 students to look back at their time at the University of Liverpool and think about what advice they would give to their first-year self.

Marc is a Class of 2024 BSc Computer Science student who will be graduating this summer. If he were able to speak to his first-year self, this is what he would say:

Dear First Year Me,

Look at you buddy. You got on a plane from Trinidad and landed at London Heathrow. Well done! You’re nervous but excited. Anxious at the thought of not knowing anyone and having to make new friends, but riveted by the prospects of a new side of the world.

You’re almost shaking with worry of adapting to the culture difference, but likewise shaking with eagerness to explore a new way of life.

Do you remember why you chose to study in Liverpool? It was for no special reason other than the city looked like an amazing place to be. And boy, were you right. You’ll soon find out why it’s home to some of the most warm, friendly people you’ve ever met.

What advice do I have for you? None. You need to experience everything in order to become the person you’re going to be. You need to make the mistakes you have made to become the person you want to become. And I think you’re well on your way.

You will explore up and down the country, learning about people and making new friends from all corners of the world. You’ll come to understand that no one is wrong – they’ve just got different experiences.

You’ll learn to try new things. Jaffa cakes? Maybe not your thing. Percy pigs? Now that’s a bit of you.

You’ll understand what hard work means – from juggling a full time degree to working with some of the best folks you’ve met at the Career Studio. You’ll discover what it means to put yourself out there at University. And who knows – you might end up being vice president of a society for a sport you’ve never played before (looking at you Squash).

You’ll learn what it’s like to test your limits and what it means to be brave. How do you tame your nerves, stand in front of 100 people, deliver a pitch for your startup and win first place? I dont know – you’ll figure it out.

Most importantly, you’re going to learn how to be a better friend. How to live with new people. How to support them. How to lend a shoulder to lean on. How to listen.

Whatever you do next, just know I am proud of you. Keep going!

Lots of love,


If you could go back and do it all over again would you change anything?

Read more of our First-Year Me letters here, and get in touch with the Careers & Employability team if you’d like to share some advice to your first-year self!