Class of 2024 achievements: Morgan Firth on supporting students with a disability

Disabilty Coaches

Morgan Firth is a final year Law student who’s due to graduate in July 2024. This year, Morgan was awarded a Disability Champion award at the University’s Equality+ Awards.

We caught up with Morgan ahead of graduation to hear more about her work and Morgan’s plans for the future.

If you want to follow Morgan, you can do so on LinkedIn.

What has been your Uni highlight?

Having the independence to find myself, meet friends who will last a lifetime, going abroad and experiencing a different culture.

What do you plan to do after graduation?

I’m hoping to find work in a law firm either through a graduate scheme or as a paralegal to begin my journey of becoming qualified.

You were awarded the Disability Champion award. Can you tell us more about this:

I won the award for my work as a Disability Coach. As a coach, I’ve been involved actively in breaking down barriers related to equality, diversity and inclusion. Our team have personally experienced the journey of acquiring assistance from university and this experience provides comfort to other students who want the same support.

Winning the award was amazing – it was great to see our hard work and dedication was recognised as an important component within the University.

Being a disability coach has been a brilliant opportunity.  The staff are so supportive and knowledgeable.

In 10 years, what one thing do you hope will have changed in relation to equality, diversity and inclusion? 

The normalisation of people who do not fit into that box of ‘normal’. To understand how important those people are as individuals and not make them jump through hurdles to be able to gain the same opportunities as others.

What advice would you give your younger self? 

My first year was unconventional because of Covid. But it gave me the opportunity to really get to know my 13 other roommates really well and cherish those friendships and realise that there are people there to help you. I would advise my younger self to take every opportunity given (especially by the University).

Morgan’s final words:

I would like to thank my friends and family. But in particularly my mum who has been my biggest supporter from day one. From going to the open days with me and having encouraged any decision I have made. She has moulded me into the woman I am today and I will forever be grateful.