Law students awarded prestigious Inns of Court scholarships

Law Student

Six Liverpool Law School students have been awarded prestigious scholarships by the Inns of Court in London.

Established in the medieval period, the four Inns of Court are the learned societies that call barristers to the Bar of England and Wales.

Every year, they distribute a number of scholarships for the post-University vocational stage of training to support graduates who would like to train as barristers.

The scholarships are very prestigious. They are valuable in monetary terms, but also as marks of esteem and promise. Recipients usually go on to great success at the Bar.

Congratulations to Berkay Bozkurt, Ashley Dempsey, Tai Eu Dian, Wan En Ng, Elizabeth Shanks and Matthew Teow, who have all been awarded these highly sought-after scholarships

The students and the awards they have received are as follows:

  1. Berkay Bozkurt – Middle Temple Marshalling and Placement Award.
  2. Ashley Dempsey – Awarded an Exhibition from Inner Temple.
  3. Tai Eu Dian – Lord Denning scholarship from Lincoln’s Inn.
  4. Wan En Ng – Exhibition Scholarship from the Inner Temple and a Northumbria Bar Course Scholarship.
  5. Elizabeth Shanks – Awarded the Peter Taylor Scholarship by Inner Temple.
  6. Matthew Teow – Benefactor’s Scholarship from Middle Temple.

School of Law & Social Justice Employability Lead, Dr John Tribe, said:

This is a tremendous achievement by our students. They have done an amazing job securing these much sought after scholarships. It is a tough field out there and the students have shown grit and determination in obtaining these scholarships. It bodes well for their next career stage.”

Find out more

Read more about the students and scholarships here.

The Inns of Court provide a lot of information and resources for prospective barristers. Additionally, they are a major source of financial assistance to students looking at a career at the Bar.

Click here to find out more.