University of Liverpool students celebrated at charity awards ceremony

Student award winners

During a prestigious ceremony at London’s Mansion House, two University of Liverpool students were recently honoured with awards celebrating their grit, resilience, and determination to succeed.

Keira McDonald, a BA Philosophy, Politics & Economics student, and Chloe Hawryluk, a BA Politics student, received prestigious Student Social Mobility Awards earlier this month. These awards recognise their academic excellence, dedication to social mobility, outstanding career accomplishments, and remarkable achievements.

Kiera said: “Winning a Student Social Mobility Award is an incredible achievement. I would be lying if I said that my career journey so far hadn’t been wracked with doubt and imposter syndrome and, to win an award confirms that all of my hard work has been worth it.”

Chloe said:  “I’m a working class, first generation, and state-educated student, studying at the University of Liverpool. I think social mobility is so important as it allows other individuals like me to experience the privilege of university”.

Members of the University’s Career and Employability team were also present to celebrate Kiera and Chloe’s achievements, as well as representing the University of Liverpool, which was shortlisted in the University of the Year category.

Richard Finch from Careers and Employability said: “Winning the Student Social Mobility Awards is a remarkable achievement for Kiera and Chloe, and we are incredibly proud of them. Both have graduated this year, and we wish them the very best in their future careers.”

The Student Social Mobility Awards are organised by the social mobility charity upReach to recognise the incredible achievements of undergraduate students, organisations, and individuals striving to improve social mobility across the UK.

upReach supports undergraduates from lower socio-economic backgrounds to access and sustain top graduate jobs. They provide personalised 1-to-1 support to 3,000 students from across the UK. This includes more than 60 University of Liverpool students who are supported through the programme each year in a partnership with the Careers & Employability team.

To learn more about upReach visit their website, or contact to find out how you could get involved in the coming academic year.