Students at the University are being encouraged to share their views on a newly designed student intranet home page which is being developed and tested before being launched later this academic year.
The feedback option on the test page will be open until Friday, 21 October.
The new intranet has been designed to improve the user experience. It displays the most used tools and applications prominently at the top for ease and brings together services, tools and support into useful groupings.
It also increases the visibility of different types of news and events, so that you can stay up to date with the latest information and make the most of your time at Liverpool.
The page has been developed following extensive research and consultation with users to ensure maximum ease of use together with a more modern design and optimisation for mobile devices.
The University’s Digital Communications Team have been leading the project which will be finalised and launched following further user testing and focus groups.
Share your views
Your views on the new student intranet are valuable and will be used to help shape the final design.
Please take time to view and test the page here. You can also provide feedback.
New portal project
The development of the new student intranet is being run alongside a university-wide project which will create a new student portal to simplify the digital landscape at the University with a single mobile-friendly system which is easier to navigate and gives impactful, relevant and timely messaging. Updates on this will be provided to students throughout the year as we work to make changes to our digital landscape for the benefit of our University community.