The next exam period will be the Semester One Assessment Period. These will take place from Monday 8th – Friday 26th January 2024 (excluding weekends).
Your formal winter exam and assessment timetable will be available to view from Wednesday, 6 December. Your timetable will made available to you in two parts:
- Any centrally-organised University exams, either online exams (up to 24 hours in length) or any in-person exams (in a room on campus) you have will be listed within the Exam Timetable Portal found within the ‘Tools And Services’ section of the Student Intranet (under the heading ‘Managing Your Studies’) or directly via https://student.liverpool.ac.uk/examtimetable/.
- Your School or Department will communicate information to you separately about locally organised assessments (online exam-style assessment completed over a longer timeframe up to five days), in-class tests, or coursework.
It is your responsibility to log in and check your timetable – it will not be emailed separately to you. Please note that the timetable portal will only become available from Wednesday, 6 December onwards.
If you have any queries about the details of your assessments please contact your School Office. More information about the different types of assessment and the regulations which apply can be found in the Regulations for the Conduct of Examinations 2023-24.
Further support
The weeks before the formal assessment period begins can be difficult. Please remember the wide range of support you can access at any time as a University of Liverpool student.
If you need wellbeing support, please contact the Wellbeing Team. The University also provides additional 24-hour support through Health Assured, and you can contact them by calling 0800 028 3766 at any time.
The Library’s KnowHow team is running a series of Revision Techniques sessions, as well as online tutorials to help you prepare for assessments including topics such as Academic Writing, Preparing for Exams, and Time Management. Please view their webpages for full details and to book.
Study for Success modules on Canvas are also available at the following links:
- KnowHow: Study for Success – Health and Life Sciences
- KnowHow: Study for Success – Humanities and Social Sciences
- KnowHow: Study for Success – Science and Engineering
The Liaison Librarian for your subject can offer specialist subject support when researching for your assignments. Book an online appointment with a Liaison Librarian.