5 ways to make the most of attending our careers fair

Your Future Careers Fair

A careers fair can be an excellent opportunity for you to meet and connect with potential employers.

The Liverpool Spring Careers Fair takes place on Wednesday 13 March in the Crypt Hall of the Metropolitan Cathedral on Brownlow Hill, and it’s a great way to meet employers who have chosen to visit Liverpool and meet current students from every course to talk about their placement, internship, and graduate opportunities.

They’re all coming because they want to recruit Liverpool students like you – make sure you don’t miss out!

Knowing what to do and how to prepare for a career and jobs fair will help you make the most of the opportunities on offer.

Here are our top five tips for making the most of attending the careers fair:

1. Be Prepared

Just turning up to a careers fair is not enough if you want the event to be worthwhile.

Think about what you want to get out of the event prior to attending. Is it information about a specific role, to build your network, or to find out more about the recruitment process and requirements?

Consider setting yourself a realistic target of what you’d like to achieve at the careers fair. Ideas include:

  • Speaking to 3 people from different companies
  • Getting 2 names you can connect with on LinkedIn
  • Learning about applying for jobs at a company you’re interested in

It’s a good idea to find out more about who is attending before the day by researching the employers who will there and the roles that they have available. This will help you target who you need to speak to on the day, manage your time, and also allow the conversation to flow more naturally when you speak to employers at their stands.

While you may have a list of preferred organisations, don’t overlook lesser-known ones that may not be conventionally associated with your field of interest—they could present opportunities aligning perfectly with your goals.

2. Update your online profile

Before attending a Careers Fair it’s a good idea to make sure your online profiles, such as Linkedin and Handshake are up to date. Careers Fairs are all about making connections and so following up afterwards by connecting with recruiters is a great next step. If your online profile is up to date then that process is much quicker and easier.

When updating your profile think about the industry, the role, and the company you are aiming for, and research their expectations and preferences. What keywords, skills, and achievements are they looking for? What tone and style do they use, and how can you showcase your value and fit for their needs?

Turn on ‘open to work’ on Linkedin, this will be shown on your profile photo and employers will see this!

Take a look at our online resources for more information on developing your online profile, or drop-in to the Career Studio on campus to speak to our Career Coaches who will be happy to help.

3. Make a good impression

While you don’t need to wear a suit, you’re still meeting potential employers so looking smart and being organised will help to make a good impression.

Plan in advance how you will introduce yourself to potential employers and prepare an initial introduction that outlines your name, course, and what roles you are looking for.

Don’t just stock up on the freebies — talk to people. Approach employers with a positive attitude. It might be busy so be prepared to wait your turn and don’t interrupt if they are speaking to others.

It’s also worth thinking of some questions you want to ask employers. You could ask them questions about the skills and experience employers are looking for, what positions at the company would be a good fit for your degree, and what the company culture is like.

Try to avoid walking around in groups or with a friend. You run the risk of not focusing on what you want to get from the event, and missing opportunities to talk to employers that are of interest to you.

4. Take notes

Careers fairs tend to be busy, and you’ll often have a number of people to talk to in a short space of time and it can be hard to remember the details when the event is over. It sounds simple but taking notes during the event will prove useful afterwards.

Once have spoken to somebody and left their stand, take a minute to record your thoughts. Write down what you’ve learned and your first impressions. Note important information such as deadlines and entry criteria for roles,  as well as any personal contact details that you’ve obtained from the people that you’ve spoken to, these will be helpful later!

If you decide to apply for a role, or are invited to a job interview later on, these notes could help with your preparation.

5. Follow up after the careers fair

Making connections at a careers fair is a great start but what you do with them after the event is what really counts.

Recruiters appreciate follow-up contact from those that they have met at the fair. If you’ve had a positive conversation with a recruiter, remember to ask for their name and contact details. When you get home, connect with them on LinkedIn or send an email thanking them for their time and help.

You could also contact any companies you did not get chance to speak to at the fair. This is a good way to start a conversation with an employer you’re interested in.

If the employers you spoke to suggested that you do something such as send them your CV or contact details, then make sure you do this promptly.

Click here to find out more and book your place.